To make an impression in a saturated marketplace you have to provide something different. And that’s exactly what Graze Box did. Beginning life as a quirky start up with the brilliant idea of delivering healthy snacks to people’s places of work, they’ve managed to conquer the huge and highly competitive snack food market.
But it’s not just about having a good idea. As well as providing a fantastic product or service to your clients, you have to think about your branding too. Here’s how Graze succeeded in that department too:
1. Right place, right time
Graze Box was launched in 2009 – a time when healthy eating was on everyone’s lips. Countess health programmes such as ‘Supersize Vs Superskinny’ were being aired on television and Jamie Oliver was again getting media attention after a report on the implementation of his ‘School Dinners’ program showed that students’ test results had improved. Graze Box was tapping into what people wanted: Healthy snacks as an alternative to junk food.
2. Knowing your brand audience
Although customers can get produce delivered to them at home, Graze Box’s branding is geared towards busy office workers who don’t have the time to prepare healthy food for themselves. They make the whole process as easy and convenient as possible; all they ask of their customers is to order their box online, edit their preferences if they wish to and Graze does the rest. Because it’s a subscription, their customers don’t even have to think about it – the boxes are delivered automatically.
3. Create insatiable excitement around your brand
By selecting treats at random, Graze Box creates an element of surprise for the customer, as they don’t know what they’re getting each time. It’s a bit like unwrapping a present – and who doesn’t enjoy that?
4. Clever marketing
Graze’s branding and marketing is clever because it’s so basic. Word of mouth has always been one of the best ways for companies to gain new clients as people are more likely to trust recommendations from people they trust. If someone refers Graze to a friend, they get £1 off their next box and their friend gets their first box for free with their second half price.
By giving its customers the option to rate or slate their snacks and tailoring boxes to suit their tastes, Graze gives the impression that they know and care about each individual customer. By also personally addressing each customer by name, a deeper, more personal cus