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With its endless wealth of information and instant reach around the globe, the Internet has changed the face of branding forever. But while this new age – where brands can’t hide from the consumer – is exciting, it demands more accountability from logo designers, and unfortunately the Internet’s brand of thinking is usually knee-jerk and impressionable. When it comes to logo design, no brand seems free from the Internet’s judgement, so what can you do to survive this unforgiving digital era?


Prepare for your logo design to be criticised

You might think your new logo is the best thing since sliced bread – and it may well be, but even the best designers can be on the receiving end of criticism. It’s worth remembering that what one person loves isn’t necessarily appealing to someone else. When launching your new logo you can take comfort in the words of veteran designer Tibor Kalman’s:
“When you make something no one hates, no one loves it.”
Designs that ‘please’ everyone are often mediocre and instantly forgettable. It’s the designs that dare to be different which polarise opinion but are usually most effective in the long run.


Consider the launch of your new logo

Because so much attention is still given to a stand-alone logo design, it can be easy to forget that a logo is often part of an overall brand identity or visual language that only makes sense when you see the bigger picture. Ultimately, a logo is symbolic of a company’s culture, its people and its products, which is both inward and outward facing. Some experts believe the safest way to launch a new logo is not to launch it at all. Unless it’s improving your business and its entire design language, it’s just a skin-deep logo design not worthy of a launch.


Provide justification for your new logo

People will often jump to conclusions and make comments based on face value without understanding the brief or the long-term vision. Some of it may be justified and some may be down to ignorance, but if you can justify your new work and you stand by it, the haters will give up their trolling. Remember: The Internet – social media especially – is rash, ruthless and quick. As long as you’re still providing a good level of service to your customers, they’ll soon come around to your way of thinking. It’s human nature to be scared of change, but things usually have a way of settling down over time.